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Sallie Jones Elementary

Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders Today


School Advisory Council

A colorful graphic listing the dates and times for SAC meetings at Sallie Jones Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year.

The main purpose of the Sallie Jones School Advisory Council (SAC), is to develop, implement, and evaluate the Student Success Plan in collaboration with the Principal and the school. The SAC performs functions as prescribed by the Charlotte County School Board, which includes assisting with the needs assessments conducted by the school administration, communicating the Student Learning Plan to parents and citizens, assisting with the monitoring of the students’ and school’s progress, and consulting with the Principal and staff on the appropriate use of school improvement funds. Membership is representative of the ethnic, racial and economic make-up of the community served by the school. The 15-25 members include the Principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, parents and community representatives. A President, Vice President and Secretary are elected annually. The SAC meets a minimum of six times during the school year.